10 Questions You Need to Ask Your Contractor Before You Hire Them

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Hiring the right contractor can mean the difference between a successful remodeling project and a nightmare. The contractor is responsible for hiring the best tradesmen, budgeting, ordering raw materials, timing, and much

Before you meet with a contractor, it’s important to prepare. Not only should you be clear about the scope and goals for the project, but you also need to have questions about their business and these 10 questions can help you ensure you are hiring the best person for your needs.

  1. Are you licensed and bonded? Can you provide information about your insurance coverages and exclusions?
  2. What kind of project management system do you use? What is your communication cadence with your team and with me?
  3. What is your policy regarding the cleanliness of the job site? How do you ensure employee safety on the job site?
  4. Do you have a portfolio of similar projects and recent work with photos and/or videos?
  5. Will you give me some references of recent past clients?
  6. Can you provide me with a sample contract in advance for review?
  7. How are selections and allowances handled?
  8. How are payments handled? Will you provide a payment schedule?
  9. What is the estimated time frame for planning, start date, and completion?
  10. What penalties will you pay for delays caused by your team? How is fault defined for delays? Is this in the contract?

Remember, a home remodel can cause a great deal of upheaval, weeks or months of workers, delays, and adjustments. While you can’t plan for all contingencies, you can hire the best possible contractor. This puts you in the best position for a successful project.

Categories: GeneralHome SellingHome Remodeling
Local: Dayton
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